sábado, 12 de maio de 2012

besteirinhas . little bullshits

"Life is dark night, death, beautiful morning." Omar Kayan
17 04 89
It took tonight of achievements.
A fire in so many heads,
in many fur fake,
in so many deserted streets,
in so many damn women
and men of fantasy lives!

A meeting causal
to call it hate-love
- Phallic images as-
what remains to me is a dagger
and a crest on it
florets of metal!

(In the last two panels)

And now?
Caution! *
I'm happy ... the planter 

*-With spring-

Autor: César

Balada para a tarde . Ballad for the afternoon

20 Jeudi 89. juillet

When there were 5 minutes for my life is over, looked at the music violent, who listenedwithout knowing it.

She said that she overcame impossibilities with hatred .... and love.

He said that time is not a monster and is easy to kill him.

And someone to sing:
Earthquakes relax the land!
She also wants to live amid the festivities human!

And suddenly I felt what is apocalypse itself.
I'm going with a black flower tattooed on my heart without memory.

Autor: César

quarta-feira, 9 de maio de 2012

Gibi: Baixo relevo de uma negra mulher . Comics: Sunken a black woman

"Love is the veil that covers an ugly woman." D R JILCK

Set in a swarm of idolized heroes vanquished,
a black woman climbs the ladder into the unknown.
She is such a superstar (and euphoric) you want to almost fall.

She is now crying. Crying find yourself ugly. Crying old hurt  moth have been. "Eleonora white teeth, smiling dark to see you can!"

You guys laugh at the hurt  my brand millennial. They laugh at me with their throbbing cocks! My consolation, humiliated black woman, is to see them come out here alone.

Autor: César